Meltem Nil studierte Malerei an der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart. 2001 bis 2004 nahm sie Unterricht für zeitgenössischen Tanz und Improvisation bei Lisa Thomas. Sie war auch Mitglied der Tanztheatergruppe des Kunstzentrums Karlskaserne Ludwigsburg unter der Leitung von Lisa Thomas.
Sie besuchte Workshops von Andrew Morrish und Sten Rudstrom. Sie tritt regelmäßig im ada-Studio und in der Serie Freistil in der Tanzfabrik in Berlin auf. Außerdem improvisierte sie im Tanzwerk Bremen und in der Serie “Les Crocodiles“ von Rosalind Crisp in der Cartoucherie in Paris. Sie war Performerin in dem Projekt Selfportrait 24 von Marcela Giesche im Dock 11, im Action-Theater-Festival und im Improvisation Xchange Festival in Berlin, wo sie auch unterrichtete.
Meltem Nil studied visual arts at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart. She studied contemporary dance and improvisation with choreographer Lisa Thomas. She took part in workshops with Andrew Morrish and Sten Rudstrom. She improvises regularly at ada-Studio and Freistil at Tanzfabrik. She improvised at Tanzwerk in Bremen and in the series “Les Crocodiles“ curated by Rosalind Crisp at the Cartoucherie in Paris. She took part in the project Selfportrait 24 by Marcela Giesche at Dock 11, at the Action-Theater-Festival and the Improvisation Xchange Berlin Festival Berlin, where she also gave a workshop.

Neben ihrem Kunststudium hat sie sich mit Tanz, Bewegung, Improvisation und Performance beschäftigt. Sie hat u.a. bei Rosalind Crisp, Andrew Morrish, Felix Ruckert, Meg Stuart und David Zambrano gearbeitet. Ihre Teilnahme an P.O.R.C.H (Ponderosa Ongoing Research Collaborative Happenings), war der Anfang ihrer Performance Reihe PRETEXTS. Seit 2009 organisiert sie, zusammen mit Meltem Nil, die Petunien Improvisation Series im ada studio in Berlin.
Ihre Arbeiten wurden anlässlich der Tanztage Berlin, am Zeitraumexit Festival Mannheim, in den Uferstudios Berlin und im ada studio Berlin vorgeführt.
Seit 2011 gibt sie einen Kurs für Improvisation und Raum Gestaltung im Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
Sandra Wieser is a Swiss/American visual artist and performer. She studied sculpture, performance and dance in Geneva, Switzerland and in Berlin, Germany. She recently moved to New York City to work as a Programming Intern at Movement Research. She studied dance and improvisation with among others Rosalind Crisp, Julyen Hamilton, Andrew Morrish, Felix Ruckert and David Zambrano. Her work has been presented at the Tanztage Festival Berlin, Zeitraumexit Festival Mannheim, in the Uferstudios Berlin and in ada studio Berlin. Since 2009 she is curating Petunien Improvisation Series in ada studio in Berlin together with the visual artist and improviser Meltem Nil.
Sandra also taught improvisation and composition at Ponderosa Movement & Discovery and at the Mime Centrum Berlin. In 2013-2014 she was given the Life Long European Grant for Adult Education to develop the Living Library in Ponderosa Movement and Discovery; a cross disciplinary library presenting influential and compelling texts, documents, film and magazines in the field of contemporary performance practices and discussions.
Sandra Wieser is a Swiss/American visual artist and performer. She studied sculpture, performance and dance in Geneva, Switzerland and in Berlin, Germany. She recently moved to New York City to work as a Programming Intern at Movement Research. She studied dance and improvisation with among others Rosalind Crisp, Julyen Hamilton, Andrew Morrish, Felix Ruckert and David Zambrano. Her work has been presented at the Tanztage Festival Berlin, Zeitraumexit Festival Mannheim, in the Uferstudios Berlin and in ada studio Berlin. Since 2009 she is curating Petunien Improvisation Series in ada studio in Berlin together with the visual artist and improviser Meltem Nil.
Sandra also taught improvisation and composition at Ponderosa Movement & Discovery and at the Mime Centrum Berlin. In 2013-2014 she was given the Life Long European Grant for Adult Education to develop the Living Library in Ponderosa Movement and Discovery; a cross disciplinary library presenting influential and compelling texts, documents, film and magazines in the field of contemporary performance practices and discussions.